Monday 10 November 2008

My Education Magazine Cover

My education magazine will be created on adobe Photoshop using the majority of the tools on the program. My main goal is changing the stereotypical image that education is boring to teenagers. I will attempt to do this by giving the magazine more of a streetwise look and by employing young adults to be the key orcherstrators of the magazine and with that the cover. My masthead and name of the magazine will be “Education” except in a graphite bold font. The aim of this is to attract teenagers and young adults who generally do not hold an interest in education. It shows that they fit into the education system also. The sub masthead would read “you never knew education could be so fun!” Although the magazine has a street feel to it, it maintains the use of proper and grammatical English throughout.
The colour scheme would be quite vibrant as it is needed to attract the audience of teenagers who are not necessarily interested in the context. These colours include green, red and blue. There is a risk however that the cover could become too complicated and out of control. If the magazine’s target audience were a more intelligent and sophisticated branch of students, there would be a denser selection of colour and a more basic masthead and selection of headlines. The context of the magazine is enough to sell it or make it widely read by an audience whereas a less educated audience would not react in the same manner.

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